At such a time when all corners of the world are being riddled with economic uncertainty, the rates of unemployment have skyrocketed. The most logical step towards combating unemployment is to start your own business. Now before anyone starts whining about capital, here is a real fact: you can start a business with as little as $100. Below are some start up business ideas that will cost you almost no cash.
10. Event and party planning.
Are parties your cup of tea? Make money from it! The work of an event planner is to organize and bring to life weddings, anniversaries, birthday celebrations and innumerable other parties. Pulling this off will not cost millions of dollars, but you need polished organizational skills to get around the demands of organizing an event. Begin by offering your services to friends and family members at small or no fee, this will give you a subtle chance to polish your skills before plunging into the unknown waters of organizing larger events. Be sure to attend keenly to every single detail, this will help you in building a great portfolio.
9. Party tent for rental business
With the numerous parties being held all year round, this is a great opportunity to make money by delivering this tents. This is among the top paying business ideas with $100. First of all, find a good quality but inexpensive tent and buy it. Just as event planning, start by offering the services to friends and family members as you get acquainted with the rules of the game.
8. Landscaping
You probably might be having a lawn equipment idling in the garage. No complicated start up procedures are needed here, with the equipment in your hands, you only need gas and business cards; voila, you can start making money. Start with people living in your neighborhood; talk to the renters or homeowners marketing yourself as a neighbour who will easily be available and the rates at which you offer your services are extremely low compared to what professional landscapers charge. Pass the business cards to as many people as you will be able to serve.
7. Tutoring
Are you not making enough use of your academic achievements? Have this knowledge passed to somebody else as you make money. You can start by tutoring college and high school students in your neighbourhood before spreading your wings.
6. Grocery delivery service
Busy working mums, the elderly and numerous other folks who do not have enough to do their shopping are a lucrative market niche. With a car in your reach, you can start a grocery delivery service. Have the orders made by email, carefully fill their requests in your own custom order sheets, and trawl in different grocery shops for the best prices so as to keep the customers coming.
5. Holiday decorating
Were you complimented the last time you decorated your house for Christmas. Turn that skill into cash. All you need here are business cards and a small marketing strategy that will get you into the business of decorating people’s yard during holiday events.
4. Window cleaning business
Most retail shops and restaurants do not have permanent employees to handle the cleanliness of the exterior of their premises. Hit the shopping mall and purchase cleaning paraphernalia like brushes, rags and detergents. You can start by yourself and employ workers after establishing yourself.
3. Child care services
With the ever busy modern mums, this is another area to make money with so little starting money. Get free first aid and CPR training and certification at the local church or community center. Purchase books, baby-proofing gears, child puzzles and other toys for playing and become achild care provide in your home.
2. Internet affiliate marketing
$20 is enough to start this. Just pick your favorite product and go online to a site listing the product and has an affiliate marketing product ; sign up for it. Get a domain name from the numerous online resources for as little as $10. Next, get a free wordpress template and create a website. Post pictures and reviews of the product inclusive of the affiliate link. Do this for numerous other products and you will soon get a good amount of cash.
1. Cleaning business
You clean your own house, right? On top of that skill, purchase cleaning tools such as brooms, mops, detergents, vinegar, rubbing alcohol etc. Again, business card are the extra requirement here. Have them passes to many homes, restaurants and business premises.